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Green Chemistry@TU

Our story

About the team

We are the committee for green chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry of the Technical University of Berlin. Our primary objective is to develop and implement curriculum, events and systematic changes on sustainability in chemistry.

Visit our Linktree here.

Mission Statement

Iteration Version 1 - Last update: 02/06/21



Mit der Unterzeichnung des Green Chemistry Commitment hat sich das Institut für Chemie an der TU Berlin dazu verpflichtet, grüne Chemie in der Lehre zu verankern. Wir, die AG Green Chemistry, sind der Meinung, dass Nachhaltigkeit nicht nur in der Lehre, sondern in den drei essentiellen Bereichen der Universität beginnen sollte:



Lehre. Forschung. Institut für Chemie.


Denn Grüne Chemie sollte nicht nur gelehrt, sondern auch im Forschungsalltag gelebt werden.



Wir, das sind Studierende und Lehrenden des Bereichs Chemie und dem CIF Berlin. Zusammen mit weiteren Interessierten möchten wir durch Lehrveranstaltungen, Projektwerkstätten, Gesprächsrunden und Pitch Day’s, grüne Chemie an der Universität präsenter machen und schließlich etablieren.



Die grüne oder auch nachhaltige Chemie befasst sich mit der Entwicklung und Herstellung von Chemieerzeugnissen und chemischen Prozessen. Entscheidend ist, dass nicht nur die Prozesse von großer Bedeutung sind, sondern dass die Eigenschaften von Edukt und Produkt, die Entsorgung, die Wertschöpfungsketten und die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und den Menschen ebenso wichtige Faktoren darstellen. Schon 1962 befasste sich Rachel Carson mit den Auswirkungen von Chemikalien auf das Ökosystem und stellt somit die Grundlage für die grüne Chemie dar. Im Jahre 1988 formulierten dann Paul Anastas und John C. Warner die 12 Grundprinzipien der grünen Chemie.



In Zukunft wollen wir, dass an unserem Institut der Blick in der Forschung Richtung grüne Chemie zeigt. Innerhalb der Lehre werden dazu schon die Grundsteine gelegt, wobei die neuen Module den Studierenden einen Überblick geben wie alte Konzepte mit neuen Ideen mit Hilfe der grünen Chemie vereint werden können. Gleichzeitig haben die Studierenden die Möglichkeit in den Arbeitsgruppen an unserem Institut, genau an diesen Fragen zu forschen.



Grüne Chemie soll an unserer Universität gelehrt, geforscht und gelebt werden und so einen Beitrag für eine nachhaltige Zukunft leisten.


By signing the Green Chemistry Commitment act, the Institute of Chemistry at the TU Berlin promises to integrate green chemistry within the curriculum. We, the AG Green Chemistry, not only believe that sustainability has a place in the curriculum, but also in the three integral parts of our environment:



Education. Research. Institute of Chemistry.


Green Chemistry doesn’t only need to be taught, but also experienced in our daily research environment.

We are the students and teachers of the field of chemistry and the CIF Berlin. Together with other interested parties, we are committed to establishing and integrating green chemistry into our classes, seminars, project workshops, daily discussions and pitch days.

The topic of green or sustainable chemistry studies the development and production of chemical products and chemical processes. A crucial part is that these processes are not only of great value, but also that the properties of the reactants and products, the waste disposal, the life value cycle and the impacts they have on society and the environment are integral factors of the process. Already in 1962, the researcher Rachel Carson studied the effects chemicals have on an ecological scale, thereby developing the pillars of green chemistry that we know today. Followed shortly by the developments of Paul Anastas and John C. Warner in 1988, who formulated the 12 ground principles of green chemistry.

A goal of ours is that the institute shows a focus on green chemistry within the research department. Groundwork is already being laid for integrating green chemistry within the educational curriculum for students. This includes intertwining already established concepts with modern green chemistry outlooks. At the same time, students will have the ability to study these prospects and questions within the research groups of our institute.

Green Chemistry should be taught, researched and experienced at our university to make a contribution to the sustainability of our future.

The Path to Victory

How we will accomplish our goals

Our Structure

The team is consisted of four primary groups that specialize in a specific mission set. These teams include Green Institute, Modules, Events, Mission and Media. Each team has a representative that coordinates the meetings and workflow for their respective members.

Our Beginnings

The AG Green Chemistry was initiated as a cooperation by the AK Chemie (Education Commission Chemistry) of the Institute of Chemistry at the Technical University of Berlin. The group is comprised of students, professors and academic administrators of both the TU and FU Berlin. 

Team: Green Institute

The goal of the team is to develop green working methods at the Institute of Chemistry at the TU Berlin. This mainly includes the work in the research groups as well as the redesign of the practical lab courses. More sustainable chemicals, analytical as well as synthesis methods are to be promoted and specifically implemented in practice in the individual areas of the institute.

Team: Events

The events team is currently in the process of initiating informative events regarding green chemistry and sustainability. This includes events like seminars, as well as career days for both students and academic researchers alike. As of 01.06.2021, the team is currently in the process of creating a large list of prominent researchers in this field to invite them to the TU Berlin for future seminars and presentations.

Team: Modules

This team’s primary focus is on the educational aspect of green chemistry. Primarily spearheaded by Professor Drieß and a select group of students, their goals are to develop new modules about sustainable chemistry as well as integrate certain aspects into already existing integral modules for both the bachelor and master programs. As of 01.06.2021, the first green chemistry module was submitted to the AK Chemie and will be implemented by next winter semester 2021.

Team: Mission

The team “Mission” is a crucial part of the development of our mission statement and roadmap. Their objective is to keep the other team’s in check and make sure important milestones are being met.

Team: Media

The media team creates, develops and integrates images and news broadcasts about developments from the team, as well as general aspects of green chemistry. This includes things like infographics and informative posters about sustainability and green chemistry.